
By Bom

Cley Beach

This morning I met H at Cley visitor centre for a circular walk over the marsh and along the shingle beach. It was a glorious sunny day and it didn't feel as cold as it was given the strong sun. We hadn't done that walk in a while (it's bitter in the cold wind in Winter) and we both really enjoyed it. My muscles are feeling it having walked across the shingle. There were lots of locals around having a nice Sunday walk in the sun after so much dull weather over the last 5 months. We had a cuppa sitting outside at the visitor centre and were watching two marsh harriers having a bit of a barney. I've added a photo as an extra - too far away for a close up unfortunately. After lunch I spent a while tidying up the front garden and turning over the soil in the beds and tubs. It looks much smarter now. 

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