Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

Percy, automatic lawn mower & Trixie, ball thief

Last night Ann went to a Mamma Mia' evening at the Carbis Bay Hotel, which involved drinking copious quantities of wine so today we had to walk to Carbis Bay to pick up our car which she had left at our friends house.

When we arrived, Derek was in the garden with Luna (the Golden Retriever) so I was allowed to go for a play with her. Luna is very bouncy so I didn't want to play with her. However, I did want to play with all her balls. Luna has loads of balls in her garden so I chose the best one and ran around with it, until I came face to face with Percy the automatic lawn mower?!

Initially I was scared of Percy, so I dropped the ball and woofed at him. And then I picked up the ball and ran away from him. After a while I decided that Percy, the lawn mower, wasn't scary at all. …..........But I had Luna's best ball so I kept having to have little flop downs in the undergrowth. Luna didn't care. She just played with her other toys.

Eventually, I was brave enough to lie down and be photographed with Percy. Ann wanted Luna to be in the photo as well, but by then Luna had got fed up of trying to play with me and she was off doing her own thing.

For those of you who aren't posh enough, not techie enough, or (like us) just don't have any grass and want to know how he works.......................... Percy the automatic lawn mower, spends all day/night going around the garden cutting the grass. He's amazing! ….........And when he gets tired, he just heads back to his docking station to recharge his batteries, and then he's off again. Apparently he's cheaper than a gardener but how many of us have a gardener. Lol!

Moving swiftly on...................... I absolutely loved Luna's purple ball. However, what Ann didn't realise was................... when she popped me into the car, I had Luna's purple ball in my mouth, so it wasn't until we got home that Ann discovered that I had stolen a ball.

Ann went a bit mad at me. She said I was a ball thief, it wasn't my ball and I had to return it. Mmmmm............. sometimes Ann just goes mad at me for the sake of it. I knew that she wouldn't trek all the way back to Carbis Bay to return Luna's ball. And I know that she won't be seeing Luna's owners until next weekend, so I reckon I've got at least a week to play with it. By which time Ann will have forgotten that it's actually Luna's, so I'll probably get to keep it. Yay! I fell asleep and lay guarding it for about half an hour, but I wasn't really asleep because when Ann came anywhere near me, I micraculously woke up and clenched my jaws around it.

…............And then................... when I woke up properly and decided to play with it...................... guess what I discovered?...................... It's a squeaky ball. Yay! It's driving Ann mad!!!

It's just as well she loves me isn't it??????????????????????

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