Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

Another lovely sunny day

Went down the beach first thing. It's my normal morning walk and I love it. The weather recently has been fabulous. Unfortunately Ann has been working for the last three days, but people have been sitting on the beaches, and the outside areas of the pubs/restaurants in town have been full. We really do live in a beautiful location.

Today Ann worked 10.30am -3.30pm and I had snooze time. Ann says it would have been lovely to sit outside with a glass of wine on our sun terrace when she got home, but by then it's getting cold. ….........And also I needed a walk and we had to go to Tesco, so no wine drinking on the sun terrace for Ann. Lol!!!

Oh well, ho hum........................... Soon it will be summer and my human can sit and drink wine on our very sunny sun terrace until well into the night???!!!

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