The best shot
Not only the best photo I took today, it is the best photo so far this year of (part of) a Tui. On my walk, later than I usually go, I saw very little that caught my attention. Indeed a young woman pushing a pushchair with a child in it asked if I had any good photos. I replied "Not really". In fact one was just a blur. She then asked what I take photos of and I replied whatever catches my attention.
As it happens, shortly before that I had seen a couple of little birds fly across the road in front of me. Saw one in a tree close by and thought it could well be a Riroriro (Grey Warbler) rather than a sparrow. It was as restless as a Riroriro, moving at least every second; and it had disappeared deeper into the trees by the time I had got the focus right.
Attention was successful a little later when I saw a feather on the footpath. I was seen by another passerby who said "What ... Aaah I see; a feather".
Trying hard to not despair at the resurgence of fascism, with the USA supplanting Russia as the prime example of a modern fascist state. I was briefly cheered by the decision by a Court that an action of the Trump administration was illegal. Only to note that the decision will ultimately go before the Supreme Court, which was stacked by Trump in his first term as President. It is impossible to feel any comfort from the US legal system. Only by returning to the original constitution can this dictator be removed, and possibly not even then.
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