Don't play in the road
Busy afternoon so was late going for a half hour walk on local roads. Often seen in the road is the Common Myna, described as an 'abundant naturalised introduction'. Typically, they would have gone from the road before I had a chance to do more than see them. This pair seemed more relaxed about the presence of a human.
One of the Tui I hear in the trees by my study was seen today, but the light was low and it was high and often screened from sight by the leaves. The extra is the best I could do. At least the white tuft is visible.
I have returned to add a rail against the Government once more. Within days of taking control, the Coalition reduced by a large proportion the staff who protect the borders. One of the consequence of this is the amount of methamphetamine in the waste water, which is a good measure of the amount being used (misused). For some years the amount measured was around 20kg per year. In 2024 it has risen greatly. Which would appear to explain why our mental health services are seeing so much more meth-related psychosis. If they had consulted, they would have been told that that would happen. Bust as they don't want to know such things they don't consult or at least not widely.
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