Two half dozens
I decided I needed a cheerful photo on a dreary day. The day's eggs (one of the chooks is having a wee break at the moment) and the first pick of scallopini squashes.
28C and burning sun yesterday. 15C and mizzle today!
Thanks for all the appreciation for yesterday's Blip. It was a great break from my usual activity and I would have been "up 'n' at 'em" full of renewed energy today, except for the weather.
However I have channeled my energy brainwards and have started to construct a rough and ready (Heath Robinson) but efficient cheese press.
After a lot of thought and faffing about, the components have been assembled and where necessary are being cut to size.
They include an empty 800g plastic yoghurt pot, a block of wood, a square flat piece of wood, a length of dowling, a handful of screws and several old weightlifting weight plates (which I happen to have lying around).
It is forecast to rain again tomorrow, so I shall have time to complete it before the garden calls me once more.
In other news I managed to leave the sprinkler on the sweetcorn and cucumber plants in the tunnel all last night! Fortunately it's not high pressure, so the water tank wasn't even slightly emptied this morning. But what a pillock...
Bean has slept all day: apparently exhausted after all the socialising yesterday.
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