
By tridral

Yn teithio, fel pererindod

Yn teithio, fel pererindod ~ Traveling, like a pilgrimage

“The Tibetan term for pilgrimage is ne'khor (nNas sKor) which means to go around, to make a circular journey as this emulates the direction that the sun appears to take from the earth. It is said that places of power should be approached in a somewhat indirect and oblique manner, in a different way from how a tourist would visit. It is not the pilgrim's purpose to tick off a list of places, or to collect these sites as badges of holiness – but to visit simply with a sense of openness to behold what is there. The greater the space of one's approach to a place of power, then the more it makes itself available to the sense organs of perception.”
― Ngak'chang Rinpoche

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Teithion ni i Drala Jong heddiw, ond roedd rhaid i ni fynd i Ddrefach Felindre ar y ffordd. Drefach ydy'r lle lle ein ffrindiau yn byw a lle rydyn ni'n cadw llawer o bethau rydyn ni angen ar encil. Mae ein problem bod ein ffrindiau yn yr Almaen ar hyn o bryd. Rydyn ni'n gallu mynd i Ddrefach, dim problem, ar drên a bws, ond does dim cludiant cyhoeddus o Ddrefach i Drala Jong. Mae'n rhaid i ni aros i rywun ein casglu ...

... ac mae'n troi allan hynny roedden ni diwrnod yn gynnar. Doedden ni ddim i siŵr sut i ni wneud y camgymeriad. Ond yn y diwedd roedd popeth yn iawn. Cawson ni ein gwahoddiad i ymuno'r bobl ar y diwrnod olaf digwyddiad blaenorol y a chawson amser da gyda nhw. Aethon ni'n ôl i Ddrefach i gysgu ac awn ni i Drala Jong eto yfory.

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We traveled to Drala Jong today, but we had to go to Drefach Felindre on the way. Drefach is where our friends live and where we keep many things we need on retreat. Our problem is that our friends are in Germany at the moment. We can go to Drefach, no problem, by train and bus, but there is no public transport from Drefach to Drala Jong. We have to wait for someone to pick us up...

... and it turns out we were a day early. We weren't sure how we made the mistake. But in the end everything was fine. We were invited to join the people on the last day of the previous event and we had a good time with them. We went back to Drefach to sleep and we will go to Drala Jong again tomorrow.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg) : Amlinell nos o Eglwys Sant Barnabas, Drefach Felindre

Description (English) : Silhouette of Saint Barnabas Church, Drefach Felindre

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