..endeavour to persevere

By Nick_T

Do you think he's seen us..?

I'm hoping to do a bit of macro photography this year.  Due to budget I bought the 100mm TTArtisan f/2.8 2x fully manual lens. It's had good reviews so I'll see how I get on with it..
There is a surface water drainage channel on the estate which runs down into a pond. Driving by, there didn't seem to be much water in it but there are bullrushes so I thought I'd get my wellies on and go down for a look with my new lens.
It's mostly just boggy, I wandered in trying to make something of the bullrushes, when the traffic noise dipped I noted what I first thought was a creaking noise,  as I focused my hearing I realised it was all around me.
In a wetter area I discovered tons of frogspawn, the creaking was obviously croaking although it was more of a purr that a proper frog chorus. Perhaps it's more of a purring when they are all mating which is what the majority seemed to be doing..
This pair seemed to think a thin piece of bullrush was going to camouflage their activities but the TTArtisan was not fooled :-)

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