Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

One For Scobes

Well - two really.
This coal hatch in Mid Calder is in the wall attached to the gatehouse for 'The Big House'. (The house and gate are in the extras).

There was a trip to the tip at lunchtime.
There were about half of the 'skips' were missing .... again.
This means that loads of stuff that the public are trying to recycle correctly have to just be thrown into the 'wrong' skips .... which means it all ends up going to landfill instead of recycling. 
The hypocrisy is unbelievable. 
If we put the 'wrong' thing into one of our 4 different bins they slap a sticker on it and refuse to empty it.

We tried to take stuff to the charity shop in West Calder .... twice!
It wasn't open despite it saying on-line that it was and there was no notice of explanation on the window or door (apart from the one says they will not accept anything left outside the shop).
Not the best way to run a business.

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