I had kept today mainly clear so I could catch with my Gaelic having been away for the weekend - we start a new unit this week and the written assessments for the last unit were sent out on Friday so lot's to catch up on. I was pleased to make reasonable progress on both fronts.
I also had a chat with my cànan caraid (language buddy) and attended the monthly online Comhradh Cearcall Fèis Rois, It takes the format by a talk followed by questions/conversation and today Sophie Stephenson who hosts it was also the speaker. Having meet her when doing step dancing classes, it was interesting to hear about her life and route in Gaelic. I was also pleased that I could follow most of what she said.
Anyhow this meant I was mainly at my desk, which was recently blipped and so you get my folder instead.
University Challenge beckons followed by Game of Thrones. We are nearing the end with only three episodes to go.
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