No long lie in for me....I went with Becky and Astrid to a fun session at the soft play centre. We left the house at around 9.20am and Mike gave us a lift.
The session we went to was " Phonics With Robot Reg." .....letter sounds taught through singing, dancing and games. Astrid has been a few times before. Its a different letter every week. Today was the letter a. There were 5 other children at the session . They all seemed to enjoy it. Afterwards Becky and I went in the cafe and watched Astrid playing on the soft play equipment. She spent ages there with the other children.
Then it was time to walk home - via the High Street where we did a bit of shopping. The weather was dry and bright and quite Spring- like.
The walk home was around 3 miles. I was getting rather weary when I spotted a welcome bench where i could " take the weight off my feet". I exaggerated my exhausted expression for the Mono Monday theme which is " Every Picture Tells A Story ". Thanks to gillyh and LesleyAlsford for hosting.
Back at Becky's I was able to relax on a comfy sofa while Astrid bounced on her trampoline and played with some toys. Then we had some lunch.
Around 4.30pm MIke gave me a lift to the station to catch my train at 4.55pm. It came on time, I sat in my booked seat and 45 mins later I was in Newcastle. A trouble free journey ... unlike Saturday. I had a bit of a wait for a bus home so I popped into M & S and bought a sandwich, got the bus and was in my house around 6.30pm.
Still way behind with comments and I don't think I will do much catching up this evening as I'm feeling very tired. Hope to do better in the coming days.
Steps today - 12,908
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