Amser mynd adre
Amser mynd adre ~ Time to go home
“Only in quiet waters do things mirror themselves undistorted. Only in a quiet mind is adequate perception of the world.”
― Hans Margolius
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A nawr mae'n amser mynd adre. Rydyn ni wedi cael wythnos ddifyr a llawn digwyddiadau. Rydyn ni'n gallu dal y bws o Landysul yr holl ffordd i Gaerdydd, yn gyfleus iawn, yn gyfforddus, a hefyd am ddim.
Cymerais olwg olaf ar y pwll, mae llawer o bobl wedi gweithio i atal y gollyngiad, a gyda'r glaw rydym wedi'i gael mae bellach yn llawn. Cawn ei weld eto ar yr encil nesaf.
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And now it's time to go home. We've had an interesting and eventful week. We can catch the bus from Llandysul all the way to Cardiff, very convenient, comfortable, and also free.
I took a last look at the pond, many people have worked to stop the leak, and with the rain we have had it is now full. We will see it again on the next retreat.
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg) : Pwll lawn o ddŵr yn Drala Jong
Description (English) : A pond full of water at Drala Jong
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