A couple of our students had the opportunity to go to 'Chariots of Fire ' today. A horse riding centre set up for children with additional needs. It's about a 40 minute drive from us and I was excited to see the place as I had never been. What a great time they had . Most of our school students have been and they love it.
The wildlings had. Good day at school but it was a battle to get them ready into MA gear. Except the jedi. He was raring to go. Thats where Harp and the jedi are at the moment and the big ones will be going soon.
I'm swapping with Mr R after and running home from his work. My hips are tender from skating yesterday and I didn't sleep well from my shoulder. So it will be a wee 5 mile run. I'm hoping it goes well .
I have the WiFi account at the park so I can catch up on a few journals.
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