Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

It was the best of days, it was the most perfect of days… it was the ’bring my sword to work’ day… ;)
Not the best of selfies, but I needed to be fast, since I didn’t want to loose more precious practice time.
So, this is Greenhouse 3, and I’m able to use almost the whole space! The thing that cost me time today, was that the Park personell had locked it from the outside… I didn’t want to go through the store with my sword bag, becuse of obvious reasons, so I went through Greenhouse 1 (our cold greenhouse), past our warm greenhouse (nr 2) on the short end and to a locked door! So, back through Greenhouse 2, through the store quickly, past the elevator, in through the clothes storage and through the door in the other end of Greenhouse 3. Then a sweaty work out session for 30 minutes and back to work.
I’m very happy to be able to work out/practice, since the original sword practice is cancelled this Sunday too, due to sword competition. So, two missed Sundays in a row… I have a plan on how to make up for this on Tuesday, if the instructors think it’s a good plan… We have a chatt online, so there’s a possibility to ask ’newbie’ questions. :)

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