
By SilverImages


“Each day has a story to - deserves to be told, because we are made of stories. I mean, scientists say that human beings are made of atoms, but a little bird told me that we are also made of stories.”
Eduardo Galeano
Talk about something in the air! Several months ago (he was fully booked) I asked a tree surgeon to come and do some overdue work on the garden – too high and big for me to handle unaided. They arrived on schedule and promptly got on with it, then K1 asked why I wasn’t out there photographing them – oops. We’ve had all sorts in the garden – woodpeckers, treecreepers, bullfinches, sparrowhawks and the ever delightful long-tailed tits, but nothing quite like what was bouncing around in our tree today. Managed a few minutes chat to him later, a keen ‘birder’ he said he’d had several jobs accessing birds nests in high places for the RSPB etc – Goshawks, Eagles and Ospreys; his ‘steeplejack’ skills in the tree come in handy, fascinating. Not only that but there was a Red Kite prospecting overhead too, a rare sight here and later we saw five buzzards circling while being harassed by a crow, and the woodpecker could be heard drumming in the nearby woodland so they must have known he was visiting. And all without leaving home.

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