
By SilverImages

Wonky Picture

“When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.”
Arthur Conan Doyle : The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes
Something of a follow-up to yesterday's post, as I was spending another day catching up on DIY while K1 was away. After a morning decorating I decided to put up the framed postcard of old Newport to match the other one, already wall mounted. When I compared the two for hanging on the wall I found the first postcard had moved in its’ mount, and was now lopsided. It had been fine when I brought it home last week. I took it apart to investigate and found the print solidly fixed to the backing card, which was securely taped and fitted snug in the frame, so it couldn’t have moved?? I was unable to move the postcard by hand without ripping it, it was so securely fixed to the backing card. So it seemed an impossible conundrum – the postcard was now wonky in the cardmount frame but I was unable to move it back to level – but it had been level last week? Before calling Ghostbusters to solve my spooky framing problem a meditation snooze in the corner chair in the warm afternoon sunshine often helps, and that’s when the idea came to me. Where the framed postcard was on the wall (above where I was sitting) caught the early morning sunshine – but as the sun rose it was in shadow. So I thought I’d reproduce the early morning conditions and put the mounted postcard in the sunshine and…sure enough, after only a few minutes I could move the postcard! The double sided tape used to fix the card had warmed up and lost adhesion, but it cooled just as quickly out of the sun and stuck fast again (after it had dropped in the frame). A couple of dabs of glue will hopefully cure it. Talk about smug, move over Sherlock!

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