Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Fuzzy Fuzzy

Scuzz yet again proves that it doesn't matter how good the camera, you can't out smart an inquisitive ferret.

It's been a slow photo day today. We were up early in the morning to take Weasley to the vet for another check up. Finally he got the all clear. His chest sounds normal again and he's put on a little weight. No more appointments booked and hopefully it'll stay that way.

Not been too well today, I think yesterday took it out of me a bit as I don't feel I've got back to my normal or maybe now I know what's causing it I'm just more aware of the symptoms that sometimes I'd overlook.

Still, only a couple of weeks and hopefully they'll do something about it, in the meantime, I guess I carry on waiting.

Huge thanks to everyone for the kind comments yesterday, I'm sorry I've not yet been able to reply to you individually.

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