Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Good food with good company.

It had been a slow day today. I'd meant to tidy the flat for the plumber coming but hadn't. I'd meant to do errands in town, but hadn't. Then I fell asleep mid-afternoon and woke at 3:30pm with a text from the lovely Why. I knew they would be visiting at some point, I just hadn't expected it to be half an hour later.

Had a lovely afternoon, after assessing whether we could feed dinner to our coeliac friend we decided to invite her round for a slightly modified version of fajitas. After dinner, the ferrets were played with and many photos were taken (well 3 of the 4 people in the room were blippers). In the end I opted for this shot of 2 of my best friends. Aren't they lovely?

Once the lovely lady on the right had left we realised it was safe to get the waffle iron out (I'd given her the last of my gluten free flour). Seriously, if you ever need a good pudding, make (or heat some ready made) waffles, sprinkle on cinnamon, cover with Ben and Jerry's ice cream then smoosh another waffle down on top. Absolute heaven.

Eventually the boys left at just after midnight. It was a fantastic evening catching up with old friends and making a new one. It seems these days there's never quite enough time to see people as much as I'd like and I miss them a lot.

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