
By ZE1Christie

Sheltering fae Gales and Rain

Gales blowing all day, thankfully a dry morning.  Light rain started after lunch, got heavier around 3pm.  A wet and windy evening. 

A day working on the toon essykert, with Philip and John.  Paper recycling waste around Lerwick crescents, Baila area and Wester Loch.  After lunch it was business black bag waste, plus Sandveien. A fine lazy evening at home. 

With the gales hitting around 60mph, I headed out after work to do a spot of wave watching, I was rather disappointed.  Where the waves looked great, meant a hike over a hill, no thanks in the rain.  The light was poor, anything from a distance didn't come out well.  Instead, here's a couple of ponies caught in the rain.  Even though they're hardy peerie things, it must still be annoying for them when it does rain.  Ponies sheltering at Sandwick, Burra. 

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