
By ZE1Christie

A Dull Day; Ten Years On (kinda)

That 60mph gale is still blowing, along with a day of rain.  Thankfully dried up late afternoon, even a glimpse of sunshine, dry tonight too.

Another day working with Philip and John on the toon essykert.  Around Lerwick for business black bag waste before break, then out to Scalloway for paper recycling waste.  Walkies with Sammy after work, popped by Madeline's.  Working in the shop this evening, busier than expected with the weather.  Feet up before bed. 

Kinda cheating today, as the ten years on isn't until the 9th, but the day was very similar.  A few changes here.  The building on the left is now the Harbour Knitwear, selling great goods.  The main building finally got finished, although a few repairs being done at the moment.  It opened as the Cornerstone Café, a great asset to Scalloway, great food and atmosphere, one of my best cafés.  There's also a B&B run upstairs, proves popular with visitors.  Taken on Main Street, Scalloway. 

Link to 10 years ago 

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