
By Farmerboab

Best foot forward…..

A busy one today.
Once I had fed all the inside cattle , headed off to feed the 25 spring calving cows. Managed to move them to the banking behind the steading and left them to settle down.
Next job was to sort out the 30 Aberdeen Angus blks and hefs for next week’s sale at St Boswells. Had them done by 11.30am, so next job was to bring in the cows from the banking and give them their annual BVD booster vaccine plus a wormer/fluke dose. Marked the ones needing their tootsies trimmed and let the rest back out to the field.
Tim the foot trimmer arrived at 1 pm, just as I had sat down to get my lunch. Got him set up to do the 14 cows I’d kept in. They were even more reluctant to go up the race a second time after this mornings vaccination.
He had them all done by4pm, so got all my other jobs done then took the dogs a walk down to the fields at the quarry . They are in the process of planting a new hedge in one of the fields I got back a few years ago. I will need to go out and measure the area to deduct it from the field when I get a chance.
Spent most of tonight doing paperwork, sorting out the cattle passports for the Angus cattle ,and paying invoices.
Living the dream ……

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