
By helenann

Early bird

Another beautiful day- frost initially but soon followed by bright sunshine. It felt warm as there was no breeze. We treated ourselves to a visit to  Hilliers Gardens, one of our favourite local  attractions. In the winter garden there were a few Red Admiral butterflies on the wing, feeding on the flowers of  Edgeworthia chrysantha. (see extra)Then we spied a ladybird on the Euphorbia characias, which I decided fitted the  bill of "Animal" for Tiny Tuesday.
Elsewhere, there were early Camellias, snowdrops, and daffodils.
We heard a lot of birdsong including robins, wrens, firecrests and goldcrests, and the "cronk" of a raven.
Back home, I felt inspired to do some more work in our own garden this 
afternoon- pruning and tidying up. Sadly, still no sign of any frogspawn in the pond. 

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