Art therapy…
I had a lazy morning upstairs and came down in time to have lunch.
The new watercolour paper I ordered arrived. It’s a handmade rag rough texture paper, a bit like blotting paper. Experimented a little on a sheet of it. It’s quite difficult to use and will take more thought and prep when using it but I’m excited by it.
I have the germination of an idea of a purpose for it and I’m excited to try it out but I’d run out of energy by then so I will leave it for another day.
Feet up and some crochet before dinner of homemade lasagne and salad. We are reaping the benefit of my cooking sessions before my op.
Watched an old episode of Vera that we hadn’t seen before and enjoyed that.
In other news I finally found out who sent us the delicious afternoon tea the other day. It was the other members of the vocal harmony group D sings in. So glad to finally know and be able to send our thanks :-))
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