Yesterday the phone rang and it was Mandy from my favourite garden centre*. "You asked about different coloured Clivia and I thought I would let you know that we have some yellow ones in. I have kept some back for you if you would like to come and look. One has two buds.... "
Well that was today sorted. Had lunch there and joined up with a lady in the café queue to share a table - turns out she is an OU graduate. :-) Picked up a bit more strulch for the fruit bed, some bird food and "rescued" a bit more garlic and sweet peas. Oh and a yellow flowered, two budded clivia. :-)
I felt slightly less guilty when I got home and then saw the size of the new television my better half had bought. I could have bought out the whole stock of Clivia, yellow and orange and have a lot of change for that money!!
*Not only my favourite garden centre - they have just won 4th place the GCA's garden centre of the year competition. Not bad for an independent nursery. They are currently redoing their houseplant section, so there was some painting going on (see the extra), but zoom in on that butterfly on the wall!! :-)
Extra 2: They grow their own polyanthus and primroses - the smell in here was wonderful. If only blip had a smell option!!
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