
By TMac

Day 6

Day 6 of my Gratitude/Walk/Photo Challenge. 
Better late than never...

Today's gratitude: Grounding.
Bit deep, but a very useful tool to have when a day like today comes along; when everything is complicated, you're being pulled in all directions, and you start to overthink and beat yourself up.
Today's Grounding tools were driving straight down to the River Tay tonight after work to soak up a glorious sunset (added bonus of bumping in to my friend Lynne), lying on my yoga mat at the start of my class with my hands touching the floor, and a quick stomp under a beautiful clear sky feeling cold air on my face to squeeze in today's walk.

Walk: As above, I squeezed in a chilly but glorious mile or so after yoga. Looking up to the velvet darkness beautifully adorned with bright stars and planets was not only grounding, but uplifting. 

Photo of my sunset Grounding.

Anyone else have a gratitude/walk/photo to share?

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