
By TMac

Day 7

Day 7 of my Gratitude/Walk/Photo Challenge. 

My gratitude today is music.
I was driving to yoga this morning, feeling a bit out of sorts. "The Wild Boys" by Duran Duran came on from a random playlist on my ipod.
Not my favourite DD song (Simon's voice got on my nerves), but it immediately brought back memories of my Duranie days, of a good friendship, of Saturdays poking about in the record shop boxes, of listening to the "Top 40"...But how can I remember song lyrics from 1984 but forget where I put my car keys?? 
Anyway, by the time I arrived at yoga, I'd had a wee 80s energy boost and felt nostalgic and grateful for the connections and pleasure music provides.

My walk today was a bit of a thought after a busy morning, but I decided to get out and walk before I got home. 

Photo today is of my cool new boots that the family bought me for my birthday. I absolutely love them. I was very pleased that my MCR Pathways young person also thinks they're cool. I'm down with the kids now!

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