Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos

Adnates latest

This large muriel (mural, yes I know that is the correct spelling but I call them muriels) was created by Matt Adnate (his website is here if you are interested).  He had painted a muriel on this spot called Thirrilmun, which featured Nayeli Green and grandmother Aunty June Rose, relatives of local Cameron Park resident Kumarah Green.  I blipped it here.  He has another muriel on the children's court, equally lovely but my favourite which was destroyed in a development was this one. Sadly, Thirrilmun was vandalised beyond repair and so he was asked to return and has created this colourful one.  He has brought back the young boys face in the left of the muriel (my favourite one) and on the right, has depicted Newy pre colonial times.   Matt is based in the Northern Rivers region so I will be thinking of them all to the North as the cyclone is predicted to hit the coast some time tomorrow between Brisbane and the Gold Coast.  I hope it isn't as bad as they anticipate but our Brisbane office are all WFH tomorrow and Friday and have been told they are not expected to work if they are defending their property.  Brisbane is prone to flooding and very large amounts of rain are predicted.

It will be endless rain (not of biblical proportions though) and high seas here for a while.  I will be checking out the seas tomorrow and Friday.

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