
By HarryJ


It appears that someone complained about my blip for yesterday, March 4th, and it was taken down by blip central. (I would respectfully ask blip central to clarify their position on "fair use" or enable me to add copyright creditation to the news organization, but I cannot "get at" the image on blips site.)
.It was an image of Comrade donold  spewing forth his lies during the speech last night
I have several problems with it being reported.
These reports are done anonymously, very similar to what donold and his doge team are doing right now with federal departments and employees. Some might call it tattletale, others might call it suppression as other images taken from TV are not taken down. Which leads me to surmise that the blipper doing the reporting does not agree with my personal political position.

It cannot be overstated what a dangerous place the world finds itself in and to insist on remaining in a land of rainbows and unicorns is in nobody's best interests.

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