Calming view
This was the view that I had from the bench where I sat this evening and just watched the sea. Although the sea was loud, it had a calming effect on me. I heard today that my friend from primary school days - we grew up together in the same street - had died. I spoke to her last month on her birthday, and although she was in hospital with a fractured pelvis from a freak accident, she sounded good and we had a long chat.. We live far away from each other but always kept in touch.
So my busy day was tinged with sadness.
Another worry is my cousin, also my age who fell and fractured her elbow badly - she has two plates in it - has a nasty cut very close to her eye and has injured her back so is walking with a walker. She also lives in Gauteng so I am in contact by cell only.
It makes me nervous to walk around!! But I am grateful for my good health and fitness... long may it last.
RIP Vanessa
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