Rock, Polzeath & St Enodoc Church
What a beautiful day. It's been like summer, so off we went on a little adventure for the day. We went to Rock and walked along the coast path to Polzeath, and then we walked back to Rock via the fields/golf courses and St Enodoc Church. We walked 6.11 miles and added two more 'I walk Cornwall' walks to our list.
It was very busy on this walk and even busier on the golf courses. Normally on our walks we hardly see anyone but there were loads of people about today. Rock & Polzeath are very posh areas of Cornwall and that was evident in the type of people we met. They were all very expensively dressed in designer outdoor wear. Nobody else was wearing a Mountain Warehouse fleece & TKMax jeans. Lol! They also all had black Labradors with them, or Spaniels. We didn't see one single other Collie on the whole of the walk. Having said that.................. lots of people commented on what a smiley, friendly little Collie I was and lots of people told me I was very pretty. Ann was very proud of me.
….............And the best thing about this walk................... when we got to Polzeath I found a manky old tennis ball. Yay!! I carried it for the next three miles and now it's in my manky old balls box.
What a lovely day out we've had.
PS – If anyone is interested in the follow up to yesterday's major RANT about EDF................ While I was out on my morning walk (about 8.30am) Ann got a phone call from Adile (the guy who is supposedly dealing with her complaint) who said that he was chasing up the smart meter/appointments team every day and was sorry that it was taking so long. He assured Ann that she would get an appointment in the next 10 days. Mmmmmmm.......... Ann isn't convinced, but what can she do? It's not his fault is it? He's just the person who is probably only getting minimum wage to front up the problems that everyone else has created. She also got an email from him this afternoon which said, 'Thank you for taking my call today.' Oh well, ho hum, roll on the 17th March because if she hasn't heard back from them by then she'll be creating so much fuss that they won't know what's hit them. Lol!
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