Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

Why is a humans life so hard?!......

My human is in a very bad mood this evening. She should be at 'line dancing' now but she's so stressed out that she's onto her second glass of wine...............

…...........The day started off well. I went for my normal walk along Porthmeor beach and around the town and then Ann went to work 10-3pm. When she came home at 3.15pm she took me down to Porthminster Beach to play with my ball for an hour. The sun was shining and the sky was blue and I had such a lovely time and I also got a play in the field on the way home. Yay!

Normally on a Tuesday, Ann goes to line dancing 7-8.30pm. Today, at 4.25pm, Ann said, 'Trixie, I'm just going to phone EDF AGAIN and see if I can make an appointment for them to come to our Edinburgh flat and either reboot our new meter or replace it. (We had an email yesterday saying that this is what needed to be done).

Long story short............... We had a new meter installed on the 18th November 2024 (something to do with the RTS system?) but it wasn't sending the meter readings to EDF. The girl that fitted it said that the 'tech guys' would sort it out remotely within 2/3 weeks and if they couldn't do that they would send someone out. 

More than 14 phone calls (where my human has to wait at least 22mins before she gets to speak to a real live person), 3 emails and 5 whatsapp messages later.................. and the problem still has not been rectified. It's not the call centre staff's fault but seriously?................ My human is losing the will to live........................

The call centre staff can only contact the smart meter team/appointment team via email/messenger and apparently they don't have a phone no. for the general public to make an appointment. What a shambles??? My human is paying £100pm for electricity in a flat, that we haven't even been in since November. OK she could reduce the payments, but she was there in Oct/Nov and it was cold so she had the heating on a lot so she's thinking that was probably about £250pm.

...........More than an hour later and nothing has been resolved. Apparently 'esacalted problems & complaints' take 10 working days to answer and because Adile (foreign person that Ann couldn't understand, no this isn't a racist comment, it's a fact?!) emailed her yesterday and said that he was checking in every day with the 'smart meter' team, the ten 10 working days to reply will take us up to the 17th March?!!!...................................  What does one have to do to speak to a real live person who isn't just reading off a script  and can actually help???

Anyway, this is a photo of me after I'd had my play on Porthmeor Beach this morning.The grass was a bit frosty but the sun was shining and the sky was blue. …..........At least that's something to be grateful for I suppose??!!

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