A day in the life

By Shelling


In the morning I had a visit by Johan B, who is going to record the singing part to the songs he used in his play "Shakespeares dream", about how he thinks Shakespeare might have worked when he wrote his Midsummer Nights Dream. I loved the play and was very happy to be involved in it as an arranger and instrumentalist. On the stage he sang to pre-recorded background music, so called "singback", as opposed to "playback" where the artist only lip-sync to a pre-recorded piece. We wanted to make a documentation of the music and singing so that he easier can pick it up again in November.

Of course I was too busy doing my job at the computer so I totally forgot about my duties as a bliper. Todays blip is representing the moment by a foto of the mixing process.

My cold is slightly better today, thank you for all your good wishes. Being a single man it's important to have someone to whine to. I have a nasty cough but still it's going the right way and I think I'll be able to sing and play on Monday, hopefully. I'd hate to have to cancel because I have so few jobs as a musician that I don't want to lose an opportunity to play. My voice works a lot better today than yesterday so there's hope.
A walk in the blustery weather happened as well.

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