talloplanic views

By Arell

Positively radiant

Up early today and out the door into town, into the teeth of yet more gales, bound for the office.  Somehow an hour and a half between getting up and logging on at my desk seems much longer than it used to be.  But then, Edinburgh is full of roadworks again, and my usual route is doubly inaccessible thanks to 4-way lights and a road closure.

Work was just work but I did some more drafting of stuff.  Then it was time to go, mid-afternoon, for an appointment that replaced the one that wasn't, a little while ago.  It didn't take very long and then I was outside and pedalling hard on the hilly ride home.  Crikey the wind made it hard work.

Barely out of my bike clothes I was into my working on bikes clothes and I set to with the Africa Twin, filling the coolant and bolting on the bodywork and its huge bashplate.  I just made it before I ran out of daylight.  I have a couple more mini tasks I could do, but there is less urgency and I only have so much time, in which Madame Fidra needs my attentions.

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