Lunch Time
We started our day attending 9:00 Ash Wednesday Mass with the parish school children. It brought back so many memories of being there with my grands. The good news is that River (our oldest great-grand) may be there next year so we will continue the circle of life. I had hoped to use our forehead ash cross for today’s blip. Neither of us had a photo quality cross. It was quite windy. We had a mess by the time we got in the car. Next year…. We were under a severe thunderstorm watch but Hubby and I had committed to a walk regimen to help my weight loss. We went to the nearest state park. The rain held off; our walk was not as long as we’d planned though. The winds warned of an imminent storm. I had several nice seashore photos. The park is also home to an equestrian therapy organization. These beautiful horses were having lunch and made such a pastoral scene. I will get seashore photos next trip. We dropped by the grocery store for bread and yogurt. Hubby made us a cheese sandwich while I emptied the dishwasher. I sat on the recliner, worked on my photos and fell asleep before writing the first word in the journal. Had Skylar not called me about her first day in her new job, I might well still be asleep. Probably because we were awake at 2:00 am this morning. We received a sad text this evening. Our friend who is suffering with leukemia, is failing quickly. He and his wife are so faith-filled. He is ready to make the transition. May God welcome him with open arms. Wishing you a successful Lent if it is part of your faith journey. Stay safe. Thanks for your visit.
“Ask me to show you poetry in motion and I will show you a horse.” – Author Unknown
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