The virus is back. Can you believe it? I can't, I'm furious. Late yesterday afternoon I felt something and I thought, uh-oh, early bed, I'll be fiiiine. Well, 2:39 a.m. I was awake unable to breathe or swallow, pounding head. I gave up at 4 a.m. and just got up and started canceling my day. No voice again so even calls had to be rearranged. Gah.
About 1 p.m. I felt desperate for some outside air and took the briefest of brief walks in my immediate 'hood. The Little Free Library is new, it's immaculate and full of lovely things, I refrained (but I'll be back with books to put in) and just took one of the handmade bookmarks and a flier for an Agnès Varda Festival at the Clinton Street Theater that I won't be able to go to, I took it anyway as my late aunt was a fan, I like her stuff, too. Oh dear, on a low ebb and a bit weepy.
Anyway, extras, our neighborhood coffee place, gave it a pass for obvious reasons. A goose for our Goose Hollow neighborhood at the intersection.
Went through the mystery packet of off cuts and random bits that I got yesterday at the letterpress place, lots of fun materials to play and create with. Treated myself to an audio book of The Wise Hours by Miriam Darlington.
Tomorrow will be the building thing that I had to stay behind in Portland for, wish me luck.
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