Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

New York Rain

Up at 2 am, to drive down to Heathrow for a flight to New York. I'm joining up with a photo workshop over the next 5 days. It was an inauspicious start with the M6 blocked within a mile of me getting on at Junction 10. Fortunately, I could get off at junction 9 and avoid the hold up by using the back roads to Junction 7. Thankfully the rest of the drive was uneventful.

The aeroplane required deicing of the wings before we could take off, but other than that it was a routine flight, arriving just before midday. The border control was efficient and I was through quickly before the taxi journey to the hotel in Manhattan. It had been arranged that we would meet at 3:30 pm for a late afternoon session of photography. Frustratingly the rain came at the same time, so we headed for an indoor venue, The Oculus on the site of the World Trade Towers.

Just a few extras to give a feel for the evening.

We ate at 8 pm (1 am UK time) and got back to the hotel for 9:30 pm. Absolutely knackered and the last thing we were told was it was an early start at 4:50 am tomorrow! Then again, I'm still on UK time so will probably be awake well before I need to be. I have a feeling it is going to be a very busy few days!

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