Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Manhattan Skyline

The first full day and we met at 4:50 am to head to Brooklyn for sunrise.  Luckily my sleep had terminated well before the alarm went off, which is typical for me when I have headed west across several time zones.

We arrived between the Manhattan and Brooklyn Bridges and spent almost three hours taking photos from this location (see extras). Then after a break in a local cafe we headed around to Pier 1 for some different angles of the same skyline.

A return to the hotel, dropping off tripods then out again to Hudson Yards, A new structure called The Vessel and a walk along a disused over land railway line, now repurposed as a park called the Highline.

That wasn't the end of the day, as we headed back across the Brooklyn Bridge for a third time to capture sunset from Pier 1 (main image).  In all we were out for another 14 hours. A late dinner and now processing a few images before heading to bed.

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