
By tridral

Fy milltir sgwâr arferol

Fy milltir sgwâr arferol ~ My usual haunt

“If no one ever took risks, Michelangelo would have painted the Sistine floor.”
― Neil Simon

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Shibashi heddiw. Roedd yr amser cyntaf roeddwn i wedi bod allan o'r tŷ ers i ni gyrraedd adre. Ffeindiais i fy mod i'n araf pan roeddwn i'n cerdded i'r pentref. Rhaid i mi fynd yn ôl i'r arfer o gerdded bob dydd. Wrth gwrs ymwelais i â'r fynwent, fy hoff 'haunt' (neu 'milltir sgwâr', fel mae'n dweud yn y geiriadur), cyn cerdded adre.

Mae Nor'dzin yn anhwylus heddiw. Efallai ei bod hi wedi blino ar ôl yr encil. Rydw i'n gobeithio nad yw'n rhywbeth mwy difrifol.

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Shibashi today. It was the first time I had been out of the house since we got home. I found that I was slow when I was walking to the village. I must get back into the habit of walking every day. Of course I visited the cemetery, my favorite 'haunt' (or 'square mile', as it says in the dictionary), before walking home.

Nor'dzin is unwell today. Maybe she was tired after the retreat. I hope it's not something more serious.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg) : Cerflun Angel ar fedd 'Florrie Eastmint' yr hwn a fu farw yn 1918

Description (English) : Statue of an Angel on the grave of 'Florrie Eastmint' who died in 1918

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