I've missed a few days of blip, just catching up this morning. I came home on Monday from helping at lunch club to a scene of what looked like the chainsaw massacre! Barry was stood over the bathroom sink trying to contain blood spurting from his face. I rang 999 who asked me to remain calm! To be fair I was as a calm as could have been expected, they couldn't see what I could. There was blood absolutely everywhere. By the time the paramedics got here about an hour later myself and a lovely neighbour had got him to a chair, but it still kept on coming and despite constant pressure it wouldn't stop flowing. The paramedics couldn't stem it either. I have to say I was a little bit panicked at this point. After getting him into the ambulance they called for backup who arrived about 15 minutes later. It was then decided that they would get the air ambulance as it would take at least an hour to get to a hospital and Barry had been haemorrhaging blood for at least two hours at this point. More drama as there is nowhere close by to land so they drove the ambulance to the next village for them to land on the playing fields. They estimated he had lost about a litre of blood as we had been catching it in bowls and all his clothes and a couple of towels were also soaked! It turns out to have been quite a small wound but he had cut a major blood vessel. The surgeon did an amazing repair job and if wasn't for the swelling and the bruising you would hardly see it now! But that small cut made an alarming amount of mess around the house!
I have amazing neighbours who were her for me immediately and helped me clean up and provided me with a meal. I had so many offers of help it was heartwarming. Another neighbour collected Barry from hospital yesterday so I didn't have to drive. I'm still suffering a bit from my fall last week and I think all the trauma affected me too. Barry is behaving like nothing happened and it's back to normal, whatever that might be!
This morning the sun is shining and I'm hoping to spend some time outside doing very little!
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