Everyday Life

By Julez

Tufty Club

It's not been the best of days today. My throat hurts like Hell and I have earache! Even so, I had to try to set up the internet banking for one of my Mum's accounts. When I set up my own it was so straightforward, I had it done in a few minutes, but not so this time.

 It's still not done after several attempts, and I'm going to have to drag myself back to the bank with it, so much of a pig's ear have I made of the job. My head is hurting just thinking about it... I'm not sure if it's harder because it's through Court of Protection or that they just give you more hoops to jump through now.

Once I'd given it up as a bad job Brian and I had a walk in the Arboretum to de-stress. It's a fantastic day weather wise - sunny with temperature equalling the record warmest for this time of year. 

The moon was visible in the sky (extra), and there were many squirrels around the park, one of whom is my main Blip for the day.

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