
By analogconvert13

A Trial Run. Leitz Summicron 50mm DR

As I work on the pair of Bedside Tables in the Cape Dutch style, I decided it would be prudent to make up a model of the joinery for the legs.  It also gives me a chance to refine the techniques and the best sequence in which to do things.  The little cove molding of Cape Yellow Wood is a labor-intensive operation with no room for error.  But I think, at the end, it's a nice visual detail which will have been worth the effort.  The slots visible in the image will house the Yellow Wood side panels.  I have so little of this wood to work with, that I'm resawing 22mm thick planks, glueing up the panels, and will plane to a final thickness of about 6-8mm.  It's the journey, not so much the destination...

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