By Bella888

A ‘Jolly’?

Meeting at 11 am.  So had a very early shower and we rushed to Boscombe for bread etc. before returning home in time to prepare for the meeting.

Decided to have a swim before tomorrow’s rain. The water was warmer than last time, very pleasant and only two other people in the pool.

Mr. B came to collect me.  We had a cider in the bar.  A never-ending stream of mainly fit young males passed in trainers.  Presume returning from team-building sessions on the beach?

I used to hate these Jollies.  2 or 3 nights away, food and drink, doing inane tasks. You may disagree.  

In the walk back into town passed out newish local MP who hosted a meeting for local woman about safety in town for women, and also views on the town centre generally. I had intended to sign myself up for it but wasn't sure what my plans were, but managed to participate anyway.

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