Tiny fingers
Hard to believe that she is going to be a great musician one day (and play football for England, do brain surgery and become prime minister). Well we can all dream. As long as she is happy and healthy as they say.
Today I did cleaning, childminding, and cooking. Rather excellent tapas actually. I was particularly proud of my refried bean fritters. The trouble with refried beans is they have that the consistency of pease pudding, that most peculiar of British dishes. So coating them with breadcrumbs and frying them is transformational.
The theatre of the absurd that is the American government continues to astonish. I am resigned to the fact that some harsh winds are going to blow - economic, ethical, social, and security - before things get better. There are two superpowers - US and China - that control our destinies. There are several rogue nations including Russia, North Korea, Israel and Turkey who have seriously undermined the rule of law. And there are a few powerful corporations headed by obscenely wealthy men who seem to be pulling the strings. And none of them give a damn about the truth, equality or climate change.
I can only hope that little Miss A inherits something better …
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