By lizzie_birkett

World Book Day

The book at the front is one I’ve just started - so far so good.
There are two novels still to be read and the poetry books are always close by to dip into when I can’t concentrate on a novel.
When we were with the girls the other day Lucy was talking about what she would wear to school for World Book Day and Amelia remembered last year when she was still at primary school. 
She dressed up as an Oompa-Loompa. Brilliant costume!  When she got to school she found she was the only one who had dressed up! Haha! 
She had to wear her costume all day at school ;-D)) We had a right good laugh as she was telling us!
We left their house yesterday after tea. Poor Bella didn’t want to leave, she loves being there with the girls (and the cats) Frank had to man handle her to the car. The girls were a bit sad too. It’s always hard leaving them.
We arrived home last night at around 9 pm. By the time we’d put everything away it was 10.30 so we were late to bed.
This morning I had to be up to get the 9am bus to Skipton for the new Lino Print course.
When I got there an admin lady said the course had been cancelled as there weren’t enough people. She said she had emailed me, then another lady turned up for the same course. Neither of us had received an email, I looked in the junk box too but nothing. She said we would get the fee refunded. I’m not too bothered as I can do it at home, I have all the equipment. 
Frank had arranged to collect me at Tesco after my course so I messaged him to come earlier and I would go straight there and get the big shop done.
We had to stock up as he is going into hospital for his shoulder replacement tomorrow and won’t be allowed to drive for 6 to 8 weeks.
Apparently he will only be in overnight. There’ll be no banjo or guitar playing for a while! Bob next door will be taking him to hospital at 7am tomorrow.
It’s been a lovely sunny day here today and I enjoyed having a wander round town before Tesco’s. It made me feel happier. This virus has been making me feel quite flat and miserable. 
In the garden spring bulbs are popping up and that makes me smile :-)
Off to bed now with my book.
Goodnight and thank you all for the comments, stars and hearts, they are really appreciated.
:-) X

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