By lizzie_birkett


This wee frog was outside the village hall when I came out of choir this morning. I’d like to have brought him home to our garden to eat slugs but I thought best not to in case he/she has a partner somewhere. 

In other news Frank is in theatre as I write this at 15.30 hrs.
They had to Xray his shoulder first thing as a few days ago he developed massive bruising on his upper arm (no I didn’t hit him!) and the surgeon was worried about blood clots but it must have been OK in the end. I’m glad they went ahead as he was in such pain in recent weeks.
Yesterday I wrote about Amelia’s Oomp Loompah costume last year for World Book Day and how she was the only child in fancy dress!
 Well, Sabrina sent me the photo today - extra. We had a good laugh on the phone when she sent me it. Imagine being the only one in the class who turned up in costume and having to wear it all day! Haha! :-D))
Amelia is quite happy for me to share this so others can have a laugh too.

Thanks for all the good wishes for Frank :-) X

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