Boris & Sergey again!!

I'm not sure of I adequately expressed how much I love Boris & Sergey in Friday's blip. So let me make this clear. I ADORE THEM. I want to go and see them again and I also want a mini Boris & Sergey at home.

Tonight I saw Boris & Sergey's Vaudevillian Adventure. It was the first episode (I had free tickets to the second show on Friday and so saw them the wrong way round).

This episode adds so much more to your understanding of the second show (obviously). I am so pleased I've seen them both. I can't wait to see them again with episode 3. If they do a third episode, I'll go and see all 3 in the right order next year and I'm more than happy to pay for them (which is truly remarkable given my love of free stuff).

This is my number one recommendation for the entire Edinburgh Fringe Festival! (I've seen 20 shows so far this year so I do have some grounding for saying that!)

In other news, I also went to see a friend's show at the Free Fringe - Chris Griffin and Patrick Mulholland: Contrast and Compare. The boys were a little nervous, but there were some really good jokes - I especially loved the Byker Grove part - and some self-deprecating humour. Please do check them out if you get a chance. 18.45 everyday at the Counting House.

Today's run: 4 miles
August running mileage: 21 miles
2013 running mileage: 669 miles

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