
By Pinkhairedlady

Highs and lows

I started calorie counting again on Monday as it’s the only way I can seem to keep weight off and was pleased to discover I’ve list 4 pounds since then.

Spent the morning picking up shopping, cleaning bathrooms and getting washing out on the line as it was a sunny and windy day. By lunchtime my stomach was feeling very squirmy and I’ve spent the afternoon sitting still and trying to encourage it to feel better. It gave me the perfect opportunity to catch up on blip journals and I’m almost there. Apologies for being so slack at keeping up to date!

I eagerly received a wool delivery at teatime and started on an eyeball. I have a commission to make some for a friend. The pattern was a little sparse but I think it looks ok, see extra.

Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting AbstractThursday.

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