
By HeartFreek

Baby Mylo Day

Daughter Number 1 returned to work today after 10 months of Maternity leave. She was really nervous and sad to be leaving Baby Mylo but didn't let her anxiety get in the way (although she doesn't choose when her anxiety hits!)

She dropped BM off at 9am. I was all ready for him! Toys out, Bluey ready to play, high chair in position! Daughter Number 2 also arrived as Jasper adores BM!!

We had a great day together. Playing, eating and trying out the back pack we used with Matty and Jasper and headed off down to feed the ducks with Bella. Jasper was desperate to lead her!! (But not pick up her poop!) Bella was much better behaved with her beeping bark collar on. Usually she would bark at anyone who approached us when I'm with company but was great today. 

Baby Mylo was very quiet in the back pack but looked like he was enjoying the adventure. 

After lunch he was ready for a nap which coincided well with pick up time for Matty from pre school. Then I took both children home to mummy who finished work at 2oclock. 

So all in all a successful day of babysitting!! 

I had a bit of work to do in the evening to get the kiln unloaded and loaded again and a mug to glaze but I did it and was rewarded with a fish and shop dinner!!!!

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