BikerBear's Blips

By BikerBear

Paul ...........

 ............ the Stannah Stair Lift man has been and gone - Himself can now ride up and down the stairs with much more ease.

I'm quite impressed at how much space there is, on the staircase, when it's in its folded position - however, as my father-in-law mentioned, it does look a bit as though it comes with a built in toilet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  (I shall never look at it the same way again!)

Paul the Installer (sounds like a baddy in a Marvel movie) was excellent - arrived on time, with a pre-arranged phone call before he got here.  Extremely tidy and very personable - he refused a bacon sandwich (he got here just after 08.30) but managed three cups of tea.  :o)   
By noon he was gone and I didn't even have to hoover afterwards.

I suspect Himself will take a week or so to get to grips with buttons to power up/down the footplate and buttons to swivel the chair top and bottom as well as riding up and down (his dementia affects new tasks a little) but am sure, with usage, it will all become second nature.

There you have it - definitely not the most interesting photo but a reminder of daily life as it flashes past at an alarming rate.

~ Anni ~

This is Thursday uploaded early on Friday morning - another exciting morning to come (not) - a dementia review for Himself at the surgery - yay (again, not!)

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