..endeavour to persevere

By Nick_T

Mr & Mrs Dipper

Yesterday something was sorted out which has been ongoing for 3 years, it's no exaggeration to say that I thought about it most days and often at night. This morning Jess asked me if a cloud had been lifted and when I thought about it the answer was no, it's like it's been in computer memory and has been referred to for every action I've taken. It's going to take a while to reset and clear this out I think.
I headed out for a walk down the River Eamont, I had been in such a brain fog that I hadn't noted the weather until I stepped out. It was dull, grey and raining. I didn't have a suitable coat but it didn't seem to matter.
The river tracks within 100m of the A66 at some points which is a dual carriageway. As you can imagine it is not a quiet peaceful sort of stroll along the river.  There was not much happening apart from a few pairs of Mallards as I walked along, I reached a small group of trees which had a resident bunch of blue/great/long tailed tits (extra) which seemed oblivious to the road noise, I heard what I thought was a robin's alarm call, swinging around I realised it was a Mercedes ML320 with dodgy brakes. I carried along the river for a mile or so to Eamont Bridge and then retraced back. On the way I spotted a Dipper heading my way down river on the far bank and tracked it along for some time. Then 1 dipper became 2 and they were obviously a pair, doing what Mr & Mrs Dipper do.. I got loads of shots but with low light and at max focal length it was hard to get great quality.. I liked this one, they seemed to be communicating with eachother (probably what's that clown doing on the other bank in the mud) 
Pleased with my efforts and brain fog seeming to lift I was packing up when I was amazed to see a treecreeper right in front of me ascending a tree. (extra)  A fine morning in the rain in the (brain) fog...

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